Things I Gave Away: Today’s Shortlist
- a bagful of my clothes including some distinctly unsexy flannette pajamas (I think I can hear my husband cheering somewhere off in the background);
- a bagful of kids’ clothes, unexamined by myself, chosen and gathered by my older daughter — thus energized, she then went on to rout out and re-organizer her younger sibling’s homework binder (must be genetic…)
- 3 magazines and 2 catalogues that I will never get around to reading, along with a stack of books that I don’t value enough to read again (that’s the ‘keeper’ rule)
- a stack of fridge charts reminding me to drink 8 glasses of water and take my vitamins (this would be mothering-thyself-via-checklist)
- a beautifully mounted gymnastics poster, graciously accepted by our local gym club
and I’m just getting warmed up…..!