The Sign of the Warrior...or the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo
Today’s training: 2 1-mile walks & a lot of napping
Lyric of the day: Now I lay me down to sleep…. lullaby, author unknown
OK, granted I am posting this on the morning of race day, not actually on T-1. Yesterday was a day for rest before the race. It was also a day for the laying in of supplies in light of the pending arrival of our fellow warriors . Garbage bags, snacks and water to stock in the warrior van; trays of fruit, vegatables, crackers, cheese, hummus and, of course, Warrior Cake for the post-race feed. Bedding was freshly laundred and bathrooms scrubbed clean for our warrior guests and their families. OK, so after all that, there was rest. For tomorrow, (today now) we must face the Warrior Test. Wish us luck.