Little Tikes Kitchen: Pass it On

Today saw the passing on of a much-loved Little Tikes kitchen set, complete with dishes and real fake food. Sigh. When the kids were toddlers, playing make-believe with pretend foodstuffs (or worse, Barbies) made me see double, made me want to lie down on the carpet and go to sleep.  So you’d think maybe I […]

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Endangered Species: Pedestrians in London

This is a sign at a pedestrian crossing in Greenwich. Now, I am a Florida girl and am familiar with pelicans. I am quite sure that pelicans are not resident in London, England, so why one would need a pelican crossing in Greenwich was, at first, lost on my North American sensibilities. According to my […]

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Signs of Life from London

How can you not love this sign? We, the family, are on Day Three of a week long stay in London, England. If I had my way, if I were alone, I would walk all over London just reading the signage. Not commercial signage, but public notice signage.  It says so much about a people, […]

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