Keepers Shortlist: Easter Sunday

In an email report from my mother: “We’ve not seen any great number of ants in the house. Just the daring few that show up in the bath tub and then get drowned for their audacity.” Watching my two year old grandson crack open an easter egg, carefully pick out the hidden chocolate chips and eat them one […]

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One Trophy I Kept

Scanlon Creek Mountain Bike Race 1995 Mountain Bike Race 3rd place, 1st place OK, I know this is actually a picture of two: one is mine and one is my husband’s. To see why I chose to keep these carefully chosen two out of a pile of glory, see Trophies I Gave Away, Memories to Keep.

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Things I Gave Away: First Post

This is a blog about giving things away and letting go. There is the obvious: too small clothes, outgrown toys, dishes we don’t use anymore. There is the material (or the memorial?): the photo of my law school graduating class, love letters from my youth, my grandma’s fur cape. And then, there’s the intangible, the […]

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