
Lawyerisms: turns of phrase used by lawyers, including me, that cause members of the general public to furrow their brow in response, as in can you not say that in plain English? Therefore, I hereby undertake to cease and desist from their further use.

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Keepers Shortlist One Fine April Morning

Ok, some would say that this is not such a fine April morning. It is grey outside, overcast, windy, the sky showing no promise of the sun ever breaking through. I am happy to be here though, at the dining room table in my Florida winter home, happy to be sitting at my laptop, typing,  my […]

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Shelving Self-Help

I was half-napping in the family room today, beaten semi-comatose by the April rain, when a row of books caught my eye. A dozen or so, lined up neatly on the highest shelf of the bookcase. Self-help books. I studied them briefly from my position on the couch until seized, suddenly, by the urge to […]

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